Borrowing from the ideas of one inspired writer E. G. White (1998) in her book “Education” I consider the responsibility of Department of Education to be double fold: One, to prepare teachers and educational administrators for the joy of service in this world that now is and two, to prepare them for the higher joy of the wider service in the world to come. Preparation of teachers and educational administrators is an enormous responsibility taking into account the fact that they contribute to the foundation of entry into other careers. That clever accountant, skillful surgeon, accomplished lawyer, successful businessman etc, once sat at the feet of a teacher. Therefore, it is my considered opinion that preparation of teachers and educational administrators is critical to the development of human resource of any nation of the world. This department is not at loss to this fact; that is why our vision reads in part “ ….envisions to be a leading centre of excellence in higher education and research, producing world –class teachers, educational administrators and curriculum experts equipped with moral virtues.”
In carrying out the two responsibilities, Department of Education has engaged faculty with undisputable academic credentials, men and women who have respect and confidence of the people both for learning and piety, versed in divine truth, received a special endowment of the Holy Spirit and have a continued communion with their God.
The Department of Education has endeavored to offer a variety of programs these include: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education with two specialization (Curriculum and Teaching Option and Educational Administration Option), Master of Education (M.Ed) with two specialization (Curriculum and Teaching Option and Educational Administration Option), Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Science and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Arts.
To our esteemed students, I wish to thank and congratulate you for deciding to make this department your department of choice. I assure you that you have taken the right path in your preparation in readiness of joining the teaching profession.
To the parents, guardians, and sponsors, I sincerely thank you and acknowledge the moral, financial and otherwise support that you continue to unwaveringly provide to our students. May Almighty God bless you.
To our valued alumni of Department of Education, you are the living testimony of what the department can offer, I implore you to continue living by virtues you got from this department; and through the word of mouth and your actions, influence other prospective students to make our department to be their department of choice.
To the prospective parents, guardians, and sponsors, I assure you that you will never regret sponsoring student/s to take any of the programs we offer in the Department of Education.
To prospective students, this department has our doors open to receive you and we assure you that you will be thoroughly nurtured in terms of skills, knowledge, attitudes and dispositions that will enable you enjoy while serving in the divine and noble profession of Teaching.