Message from the Head of the Department, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Martha Mambo

HOD Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Message from the Head of the Department, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Welcome to the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences! It is with great pleasure that we offer you a snippet of this Department here at the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton. The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences is filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for intellectual growth. We acknowledge the profound significance of the Humanities and Social Sciences in shaping our world.

The Humanities encompass disciplines such as Literature, History, Languages, Music and the Arts, which offer us insights into the richness of human experiences, the complexity of societies, and the diverse perspectives that make up our global community. The Social Sciences, on the other hand, encompass fields like Sociology, Psychology, Political science and Development Studies, which provide us with invaluable tools for analyzing human behavior, social structures, and the forces that shape our lives.

Within this Department, we are dedicated to fostering critical thinking, empathy, and a deep appreciation for the human condition. Our aim is to equip you, our students, with the intellectual and analytical skills needed to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Through rigorous academic inquiry, lively classroom discussions, and engaging research projects, we encourage you to challenge assumptions, explore new ideas, and develop a nuanced understanding of the world around you. 

At the heart of our Department is a commitment to fostering an intellectually vibrant and God-fearing team. We thus embrace teamwork and recognize that it is through the convergence of different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences that we can truly enrich our intellectual endeavors. We encourage our students to engage in meaningful dialogue, to listen actively to one another, and to engage in respectful debate. It is in this collaborative spirit that we can collectively advance our understanding and contribute to positive societal change. 

To our esteemed faculty members, we extend our deepest gratitude for your dedication and passion in guiding our students’ intellectual journeys. Your expertise and mentorship are invaluable in shaping the next generation of thinkers, scholars, and leaders. We encourage you to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge through your research and to inspire our students with your enthusiasm for your respective disciplines. Remember that it is by sound precept and example that our students are to be positively modeled.  Echoing the words of E. G. White, a prolific Christian author, “There is an eloquence far more powerful than the eloquence of words in the quiet, consistent life of a pure, true Christian. What a man is has more influence than what he says”. Let us then strive to be, to our students, an icon and beacon of wisdom and light. 

To our students, we offer you a warm welcome to this Department, within the intellectual community of Baraton University. Embrace the opportunities that lie before you, for this is a time of growth and transformation. Immerse yourselves in the rich tapestry of human knowledge, challenge your assumptions, and discover your own unique voice. Remember that education is not merely a means to an end but a lifelong pursuit, and the skills and insights you acquire here at the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, will serve you well beyond the boundaries of the university.

In conclusion, let us together explore the vast realms of human thought, analyze the complexities of our societies, and seek to create a better future through our collective efforts. Welcome to the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, and together, let us embark on this intellectual journey with you! 


Bachelor of Music in Music Education (BMME)

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication

Bachelor of Arts in French

Bachelor of Arts/Science in Geography

Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili

Bachelor of Arts- in Development Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Music

Bachelor of Arts in History

Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology