The department endeavors to fulfill health needs through training students on health issues, with emphases on disease prevention, promotion of environmental awareness, physical fitness, and research. In this process, it will be guided by Biblical principles and the philosophy of Christian education.
Public Health Nurse
Social and Community Service Managers
A student who wishes to be admitted into the public health program under direct entry must have a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)/ its equivalent and meet the following requirements:
1. Satisfied the minimum entry requirements of the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, which is a mean grade of C+ and at least a C + in English.
2. Attained a mean grade of C+ or above at the KCSE level or its equivalent and have at least the following specific course grades:
a. Biology C+
b. Chemistry C+
c. Mathematics/Physics C+
d. English/Kiswahili C+
The department seeks to be a center of excellence, equipping men and women for faithful and effective service to God, church and society through application of the principles of sound Bible-based Christian education.