The mission of the Department of Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics is to provide and advance wholistic Christian quality education which develops to be preparing students with the knowledge in mathematics, chemistry and physics understanding, problem-solving skills, and dispositions that enable them to excel in their chosen careers; increasing mathematical and scientific knowledge through publication and presentation; supporting the broader education community and mentoring others for generous service through a committed Christian life.
The graduates in Chemistry will find job opportunities in manufacturing and processing industries, mining and petroleum industries, research institutions and in educational institutions.
The general entrance requirements for the university must be satisfied. The student must have attained at least a C+ (plus) in Chemistry / B– (minus) in Physical Science and C+ (plus) or above in either Mathematics or Physics in KCSE or its equivalent. In addition, the student must have attained at least a C+ (plus) in any one of the following courses;
1. Biology or Biological Sciences
2. Geography
3. Agriculture
4. Business studies
Students entering with an ‘A’ level principal pass in Chemistry and a subsidiary pass in Mathematics or Physics or Biology may be considered in the Chemistry program. Those who took secondary school Chemistry and earned a C+ but lacked a C+ in either Mathematics or Physics can take MATH 101 and must attain a grade of C+ (plus) to clear the deficiency.
NOTE: Those who may not have had an exposure to secondary school chemistry must take CHEM 111 and pass with a minimum grade of C+ (plus).
The Department of Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics envisions being a center of excellence in higher education and research producing world class graduates in mathematics, chemistry, physics and applied statistics equipped with moral virtues towards global competitiveness. To achieve this vision, the department is committed to providing a course of study which combines mental, spiritual and physical engagement that are high-quality, innovative and intellectually challenging.